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- Release date: 2016-12-02
- SHA-256: b70db0ad34f8e0e61dc3f0cbab88099336c9674c193d8a3439d93d6aca2d7120

This release combines a lot of small fixes and improvements. The fixes are backwards compatible.

- :bug: fixed a bug that froze the parser if a passed file was not found (now, `std::invalid_argument` is thrown)
- :bug: fixed a bug that lead to an error of a file at EOF was parsed again (now, `std::invalid_argument` is thrown)
- :sparkles: the well known functions [`emplace`]( and [`emplace_back`]( have been added to JSON values and work as expected
- :zap: improved the performance of the serialization (`dump` function)
- :zap: improved the performance of the deserialization (parser)
- :construction_worker: some continuous integration images at [Travis]( were added and retired; see [here]( for the current continuous integration setup
- :construction_worker: the [Coverity scan]( works again
- :chart_with_upwards_trend: the benchmarking code has been improved to produce more stable results
- :memo: the [README]( file has been extended and includes more frequently asked examples
- :white_check_mark: the test suite now contains 8905518 tests
- :arrow_up: updated [Catch]( to version 1.5.8