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Commit e50f5fd2 authored by Buchhorn, Moritz's avatar Buchhorn, Moritz
Browse files

Merge branch 'week2' into 'main'


See merge request !2
parents 2513cba0 b74277c0
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1 merge request!2Week2
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
In diesem Notebook werden wir einen auf das Nötigste reduzierten SCF-Code verwenden, um einen Einblick in die einzelnen Iterationen zu gewinnen.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import scf
import numpy as np
from pyscf import gto
import plotly.graph_objects as go
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# To build such a molecule object, specific information is required, which is defined in the following code line. (In this oversimplified case, only the molecular coordinates and the basis set are used.) With this information, PySCF can now calculate the individual system-dependent parameters.
C 0.00 0.00 0.00
O 0.00 1.54 0.00
O 0.00 -1.54 0.00
mol = gto.M(atom=coordinates, basis='sto-3g')
# nuclei-nuclei potential
E_nuc = mol.energy_nuc()
# number of atomic orbitals
NAO = mol.nao
# number of electrons
NEL = mol.nelectron
# overlap integrals
S = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp')
# kinetic energy integrals
T_e = mol.intor('int1e_kin')
# electrons-nuclei potential energy integrals
V_ne = mol.intor('int1e_nuc')
# two electron Coulomb integrals
J = mol.intor('int2e')
Hc = scf.build_hc(T_e, V_ne)
X = scf.build_ortho_mat(S)
finished_scf = scf.scf(Hc,X,J, E_nuc, NAO, NEL)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = go.Figure()
x = list(range(finished_scf["iterations"])),
y = finished_scf["tot_energies"],
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = go.Figure()
orb_eigenvalues = finished_scf["orb_eigenvalues"].T
for i in range(len(orb_eigenvalues)):
x = list(range(finished_scf["iterations"])),
y = orb_eigenvalues[i],
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=2)
[print(("{:6.2f}"*len(line)).format(*line)) for line in finished_scf["coefficients"][-1].T]
# finished_scf["coefficients"][70].T
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
delta_E = 1.0e-8 # Energy convergence criterion
delta_P = 1.0e-8 # Density matrix convergence criterion
MAXITER = 100 # Maximum number of SCF Iterations
def build_hc(T_e: np.array, V_ne: np.array) -> np.array:
return T_e+V_ne
def build_ortho_mat(S: np.array) -> np.array:
s, U = np.linalg.eig(S)
L = np.diag(np.power(s, -0.5))
X =,(,np.transpose(U))))
return X
def build_fock_prime(F: np.array, X: np.array) -> np.array:,,X))
return Fp
def eigensort(eigenvalues: np.array, eigenvectors: np.array) -> (np.array, np.array):
eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:,eigenvalues.argsort()]
eigenvalues = np.sort(eigenvalues)
return eigenvalues, eigenvectors
def solve_eigenvalue(Fp: np.array, X: np.array) -> (np.array, np.array):
e, Cp = np.linalg.eigh(Fp)
e, Cp = eigensort(e, Cp)
C =,Cp)
return e, C
def build_density(C: np.array, NAO: int, NEL: int) -> np.array:
P = np.zeros((NAO, NAO))
for i in range(len(C)):
for j in range(len(C)):
for m in range(int(NEL/2)): #Number of occupied orbitals
P[i][j] += C[i][m] * C[j][m]
return P
def electronic_energy(P: np.array, Hc: np.array, F: np.array, NAO: int) -> float:
E = 0
for u in range(NAO):
for v in range(NAO):
E += P[u][v] * (Hc[u][v] + F[u][v])
return E
def build_new_fock(Hc: np.array, P: np.array, J: np.array, NAO: int) -> np.array:
F = np.copy(Hc)
for u in range(NAO):
for v in range(NAO):
for l in range(NAO):
for s in range(NAO):
F[u][v] += P[l][s] * ((2 * J[u][v][l][s]) - J[u][l][v][s])
return F
def compute_rmsd(P0: np.array, P1: np.array) -> float:
rmsd = 0
for u in range(len(P0)):
for v in range(len(P0[u])):
rmsd += (P1[u][v] - P0[u][v])**2
return np.sqrt(rmsd)
def scf(Hc: np.array, X: np.array, J: np.array, E_nuc: float, NAO: int, NEL: int) -> dict:
Fp_0 = build_fock_prime(Hc, X)
e_0,C_0 = solve_eigenvalue(Fp_0, X)
P_0 = build_density(C_0, NAO, NEL)
E_el_0 = electronic_energy(P_0, Hc, Hc, NAO)
E_tot_0 = E_el_0 + E_nuc
this_scf = {
"tot_energies": [E_tot_0],
"orb_eigenvalues": [e_0],
"coefficients": [C_0],
"iterations": 0
# SCF loop
for i in range(1,MAXITER+1):
F = build_new_fock(Hc, P_0, J, NAO)
Fp = build_fock_prime(F, X)
e, C = solve_eigenvalue(Fp, X)
P = build_density(C, NAO, NEL)
E_el = electronic_energy(P, Hc, F, NAO)
E_tot = E_el + E_nuc
if np.abs(E_el-E_el_0)<delta_E:
print("E_el converged after: "+str(i)+" Iterations.")
this_scf["iterations"] = i
E_el_0 = E_el
if compute_rmsd(P_0,P)<delta_P:
print("P converged after: "+str(i)+" Iterations.")
this_scf["iterations"] = i
P_0 = np.copy(P)
print(" Final RHF results")
print(" -----------------")
print("Total SCF energy = "+str(E_tot))
print(" Final eigenvalues")
print(" -----------------")
for i in range(len(e)):
print(str(i+1)+" "+str(e[i]))
this_scf["tot_energies"] = np.array(this_scf["tot_energies"])
this_scf["orb_eigenvalues"] = np.array(this_scf["orb_eigenvalues"])
return this_scf
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