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Resolve "Need to update docs (API reference)"

Merged Florian Oppermann requested to merge 92-need-to-update-docs-api-reference into develop
1 unresolved thread
+ 16
@@ -18,15 +18,19 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# ==============================================================================
'''customized functions & classes'''
from .baselinehandler import *
from .cli import *
from .confighandler import *
from .datahandler import *
from .loghandler import *
from .metrics import *
from .modelhandler import *
from .models import *
from .plot import *
from .tensorloader import *
ProLoaF is a load prediction project in the context of the H2020 EU CoordiNet Project. It utilizes machine learning and
an Encoder-Decoder architecture to predict the target variable based on other forecast data and an arbitrarily long set
of historical data.
# """customized functions & classes"""
# from .baselinehandler import *
# from .cli import *
# from .confighandler import *
# from .datahandler import *
# from .loghandler import *
# from .metrics import *
# from .modelhandler import *
# from .models import *
# from .plot import *
# from .tensorloader import *