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Commit 864b2940 authored by Rostislav Chudoba's avatar Rostislav Chudoba
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all packages needed for bmcs

parent 04c2c924
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......@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ channels:
# - appmode==0.8.0
# - jupyter_contrib_nbextensions==0.5.1
# - traits==6.1.1
- traits==6.1.1
- matplotlib==3.3.3
#- numpy==1.19.4
#- sympy==1.7.1
#- scipy==1.5.3
# - k3d==2.9.3
- numpy==1.19.4
- sympy==1.7.1
- scipy==1.5.3
- k3d==2.9.3
- ipywidgets==7.6.3
# - mayavi==4.7.2
- mayavi==4.7.2
- ipympl==0.7.0
# - ipyregulartable
#- ipytree==0.2.1
#- traitsui==7.1.0
#- pip
#- pip:
# - bmcs-utils==0.0.20a0
# - bmcs-ibvpy==0.0.4a0
# - bmcs-cross_section==0.0.32a0
# - bmcs-beam==0.0.10a0
# - bmcs-fragmentation==0.0.2a0
- ipyregulartable
- ipytree==0.2.1
- traitsui==7.1.0
- pip
- pip:
- bmcs-utils==0.0.20a0
- bmcs-ibvpy==0.0.4a0
- bmcs-cross_section==0.0.32a0
- bmcs-beam==0.0.10a0
- bmcs-fragmentation==0.0.2a0
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Model comparison
Let us now import the three models
- PO_LF_LM_RG: pullout of long fiber from long rigid matrix
- PO_LF_LM_EL:pullout of long fiber from long elastic matrix
- PO_SF_LM_RG: pullout of long fiber from short rigid matrix
- PO_Comparison: comparison between the above configurations
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%run 2_1_PO_LF_LM_RG.ipynb
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%run 2_2_PO_LF_LM_EL.ipynb
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%run 2_3_PO_SF_M_RG.ipynb
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import bmcs_pullout_ui as poui
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
po = poui.ModelInteract(
models=[PO_LF_LM_RG, PO_LF_LM_EL, PO_SF_M_RG],
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
params = {w: w_range, A_f:1, E_f:1, A_m:1, E_m:4, tau:1, p:1, L_b:1}
param_vals = tuple(params[map_py2sp[py_var]] for py_var in py_vars)
fix, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,4))
poui.plot_filled_var(ax, w_range, PO_LF_LM_RG.get_Pw_pull(*param_vals),color='orange');
poui.plot_filled_var(ax, w_range, PO_LF_LM_EL.get_Pw_pull(*param_vals),color='green');
poui.plot_filled_var(ax, w_range, PO_SF_M_RG.get_Pw_pull(*param_vals),color='blue');
%% Output
<string>:2: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id:interior-commons tags:
%% Cell type:markdown id:spread-novelty tags:
# Pull-out, Push-in
%% Cell type:code id:handed-infrared tags:
%% Cell type:code id:defensive-michael tags:
``` python
%matplotlib widget
from pull_out import PO_ELF_RLM
po = PO_ELF_RLM()
from pull_out import PullOutAModel
po = PullOutAModel()
%% Output
eta 0.0
%% Cell type:markdown id:flush-apparatus tags:
%% Cell type:code id:enclosed-notebook tags:
## Constant bond-slip law
``` python
import traits.api as tr
%% Cell type:code id:indoor-sunrise tags:
``` python
def print_change(event):
%% Cell type:markdown id:greatest-copyright tags:
# How to derive a pull-out model given a constant bond-slip law
- [J0201 - Pull-out of long fiber from rigid matrix](2_1_PO_LF_LM_RG.ipynb)
- [J0202 - Pull-out of long fiber from long elastic matrix](2_2_PO_LF_LM_EL.ipynb)
- [J0203 - Pull-out of short fiber from rigid matrix](2_3_PO_SF_M_RG.ipynb)
- [J0204 - Comparison of several models](2_4_PO_comparison.ipynb)
- [J0203 - Pull-out of short fiber from rigid matrix](2_3_PO_ESF_RM.ipynb)
%% Cell type:markdown id:golden-doctrine tags:
# Questions
%% Cell type:markdown id:renewable-literature tags:
- Find a bond length at which the fiber breaks
- Identify the distance at which matrix crack would appear
%% Cell type:code id:blond-receptor tags:
%% Cell type:code id:composite-delivery tags:
``` python
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import traits.api as tr
class PO_ELF_RLM_Symb(bu.SymbExpr):
"""Pullout of elastic Long fiber, fromm rigid long matrix
......@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ class PO_ELF_RLM_Symb(bu.SymbExpr):
aw_pull = a_subs[a].subs(P, Pw_pull)
eps_m_x = 0
sig_m_x = 0
u_ma_x = 0
eps_m_x = eps_f_x * 1e-8
sig_m_x = sig_f_x * 1e-8
u_ma_x = u_fa_x * 1e-8
# Declaration of the lambdified methods
......@@ -158,13 +159,107 @@ class PO_ELF_ELM_Symb(bu.SymbExpr):
('Pw_pull', ('w',)),
class PO_ELF_RLM(bu.Model, bu.InjectSymbExpr):
class PO_ESF_RLM_Symb(PO_ELF_RLM_Symb):
E_f, A_f = sp.symbols(r'E_\mathrm{f}, A_\mathrm{f}', positive=True)
E_m, A_m = sp.symbols(r'E_\mathrm{m}, A_\mathrm{m}', positive=True)
tau, p = sp.symbols(r'\bar{\tau}, p', positive=True)
C, D = sp.symbols(r'C, D')
P, w = sp.symbols(r'P, w', positive=True)
x, a, L_b = sp.symbols(r'x, a, L_b')
d_sig_f = p * tau / A_f
sig_f = sp.integrate(d_sig_f, x) + C
eps_f = sig_f / E_f
u_f = sp.integrate(eps_f, x) + D
eq_C = {P - sig_f.subs({x:0}) * A_f}
C_subs = sp.solve(eq_C,C)
eqns_D = {u_f.subs(C_subs).subs(x, a)}
D_subs = sp.solve(eqns_D, D)
eqns_a = {eps_f.subs(C_subs).subs(D_subs).subs(x, a)}
a_subs = sp.solve(eqns_a, a)
var_subs = {**C_subs,**D_subs,**a_subs}
u_f_x = u_f.subs(var_subs)
u_fa_x = sp.Piecewise((u_f_x, x > var_subs[a]),
(0, x <= var_subs[a]))
eps_f_x = sp.diff(u_fa_x,x)
sig_f_x = E_f * eps_f_x
tau_x = sp.simplify(sig_f_x.diff(x) * A_f / p)
u_f_x.subs(x, 0) - w
Pw_pull = sp.solve(u_f_x.subs({x: 0}) - w, P)[0]
w_L_b = u_fa_x.subs(x, -L_b).subs(P, Pw_pull)
aw_pull = a_subs[a].subs(P, Pw_pull)
eps_m_x = eps_f_x * 1e-8
sig_m_x = sig_f_x * 1e-8
u_ma_x = u_fa_x * 1e-8
P_max = p * tau * L_b
w_argmax = sp.solve(P_max - Pw_pull, w)[0]
Pw_up_pull = Pw_pull
b, P_down = sp.symbols(r'b, P_\mathrm{down}')
sig_down = P_down / A_f
eps_down = 1 / E_f * sig_down
w_down = (L_b + b) - sp.Rational(1, 2) * eps_down * b
Pw_down_pull, Pw_down_push = sp.solve(
w_down.subs(b, -P_down / p / tau) - w,
Pw_short = sp.Piecewise((0, w <= 0),
(Pw_up_pull, w <= w_argmax),
(Pw_down_pull, w <= L_b),
(0, True)
w_L_b_a = L_b - Pw_down_pull / p / tau
w_L_b = sp.Piecewise((0, w <= w_argmax),
(w_L_b_a, (w > w_argmax) & (w <= L_b)),
(w, True))
aw_pull = - (Pw_short / p / tau)
Pw_pull = Pw_short
# Declaration of the lambdified methods
symb_model_params = ['E_f', 'A_f', 'E_m', 'A_m', 'tau', 'p', 'L_b']
symb_expressions = [
('eps_f_x', ('x','P',)),
('eps_m_x', ('x','P',)),
('sig_f_x', ('x','P',)),
('sig_m_x', ('x','P',)),
('tau_x', ('x','P',)),
('u_fa_x', ('x','P',)),
('u_ma_x', ('x','P',)),
('w_L_b', ('w',)),
('aw_pull', ('w',)),
('Pw_pull', ('w',)),
class PullOutAModel(bu.Model, bu.InjectSymbExpr):
Pullout elastic long fiber and rigid long matrix
symb_class = PO_ELF_ELM_Symb
symb_class = PO_ESF_RLM_Symb
name = "PO-ELF-RLM"
name = "Pull-Out"
E_f = bu.Float(210000, MAT=True)
E_m = bu.Float(28000, MAT=True)
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