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Commit 53350cbe authored by Jan Habscheid's avatar Jan Habscheid
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Added 4eq system for oneD + refined mesh for oneD

parent d2774bf3
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name: fenicsx
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Jan Habscheid
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, log
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem
from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver
from ufl import TestFunctions, split, dot, grad, dx, inner, ln, Cell
from basix.ufl import element, mixed_element
from petsc4py import PETSc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from oneD_refined_mesh import create_refined_mesh
def solve_System_4eq(phi_left:float, phi_right:float, p_right:float, z_A:float, z_C:float, y_A_R:float, y_C_R:float, K:float|str, Lambda2:float, a2:float, number_cells:int, solvation:float = 0, PoissonBoltzmann:bool=False, relax_param:float=None, x0:float=0, x1:float=1, refinement_style:str='uniform', return_type:str='Scalar', rtol:float=1e-8, max_iter:float=500):
Solve the dimensionless system of equations presented in: Numerical Treatment of a Thermodynamically Consistent Electrolyte Model, B.Sc. Thesis Habscheid 2024
System of equations:
λ²Δ φ =−L²n^F
a²∇p=−n^F∇ φ
div(J_α)=0 α∈ {1,...,N−1}
with φ the electric potential, p the pressure, n^F the total free charge density, J_α the diffusion fluxes of species α, λ² a dimensionless parameter, L²=1, a² a dimensionless parameter, N the number of species, and α the species index.
phi_left : float
Value of φ at the left boundary
phi_right : float
Value of φ at the right boundary
p_right : float
Value of p at the right boundary
z_A : float
Charge number of species A
z_C : float
Charge number of species C
y_A_R : float
Atomic fractions of species A at right boundary
y_C_R : float
Atomic fractions of species C at right boundary
K : float | str
Dimensioness bulk modulus of the electrolyte. If 'incompressible', the system is solved for an incompressible electrolyte
Lambda2 : float
Dimensionless parameter
a2 : float
Dimensionless parameter
number_cells : int
Number of cells in the mesh
solvation : float, optional
solvation number, by default 0
PoissonBoltzmann : bool, optional
Solve classical Nernst-Planck model with the use of the Poisson-Boltzmann formulation if True, else solve the presented model by Dreyer, Guhlke, Müller, by default False
relax_param : float, optional
Relaxation parameter for the Newton solver
xₙ₊₁ = γ xₙ f(xₙ)/f'(xₙ) with γ the relaxation parameter
, by default None -> Determined automatically
x0 : float, optional
Left boundary of the domain, by default 0
x1 : float, optional
Right boundary of the domain, by default 1
refinement_style : str, optional
Specify for refinement towards zero
Options are 'uniform', 'log', 'hard_log', 'hard_hard_log' by default 'uniform'
return_type : str, optional
'Vector' or 'Scalar', 'Scalar' returns dolfinx.fem type and 'Vector' numpy arrays of the solution, by default 'Scalar'
rtol : float, optional
Relative tolerance for Newton solver, by default 1e-8
max_iter : float, optional
Maximum number of Newton iterations, by default 500
y_A, y_C, phi, p, msh
Returns atomic fractions for species A and C, electric potential, pressure, and the mesh
If return_type is 'Vector', the solution is returned as numpy arrays
# Define boundaries of the domain
x0 = 0
x1 = 1
# Define boundaries for the boundary conditions
def Left(x):
return np.isclose(x[0], x0)
def Right(x):
return np.isclose(x[0], x1)
# Create mesh
if refinement_style == 'uniform':
msh = mesh.create_unit_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, number_cells, dtype=np.float64)
msh = create_refined_mesh(refinement_style, number_cells)
# Define Finite Elements
CG1_elem = element('Lagrange', msh.basix_cell(), 1)
# Define Mixed Function Space
W_elem = mixed_element([CG1_elem, CG1_elem, CG1_elem, CG1_elem])
W = fem.functionspace(msh, W_elem)
# Define Trial- and Testfunctions
u = fem.Function(W)
y_A, y_C, phi, p = split(u)
(v_A, v_C, v_1, v_2) = TestFunctions(W)
# Collapse function space for bcs
W0, _ = W.sub(0).collapse()
W1, _ = W.sub(1).collapse()
W2, _ = W.sub(2).collapse()
W3, _ = W.sub(3).collapse()
# Define boundary conditions values
def phi_left_(x):
return np.full_like(x[0], phi_left)
def phi_right_(x):
return np.full_like(x[0], phi_right)
def p_right_(x):
return np.full_like(x[0], p_right)
def y_A_right_(x):
return np.full_like(x[0], y_A_R)
def y_C_right_(x):
return np.full_like(x[0], y_C_R)
# Interpolate bcs functions
phi_left_bcs = fem.Function(W2)
phi_right_bcs = fem.Function(W2)
p_right_bcs = fem.Function(W3)
y_A_right_bcs = fem.Function(W0)
y_C_right_bcs = fem.Function(W1)
# Identify dofs for boundary conditions
# Define boundary conditions
facet_left_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(2), W.sub(2).collapse()[0]), Left)
facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(2), W.sub(2).collapse()[0]), Right)
bc_left_phi = fem.dirichletbc(phi_left_bcs, facet_left_dofs, W.sub(2))
bc_right_phi = fem.dirichletbc(phi_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(2))
facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(3), W.sub(3).collapse()[0]), Right)
bc_right_p = fem.dirichletbc(p_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(3))
facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(0), W.sub(0).collapse()[0]), Right)
bc_right_y_A = fem.dirichletbc(y_A_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(0))
facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(1), W.sub(1).collapse()[0]), Right)
bc_right_y_C = fem.dirichletbc(y_C_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(1))
# Combine boundary conditions into list
bcs = [bc_left_phi, bc_right_phi, bc_right_p, bc_right_y_A, bc_right_y_C]
# Define variational problem
if K == 'incompressible':
# total free charge density
def nF(y_A, y_C):
return (z_C * y_C + z_A * y_A)
# Diffusion fluxes for species A and C
def J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
return ln(y_A) + a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1) + z_A * phi
def J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
return ln(y_C) + a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1) + z_C * phi
# Variational Form
A = (
inner(grad(phi), grad(v_1)) * dx
- 1 / Lambda2 * nF(y_A, y_C) * v_1 * dx
) + (
inner(grad(p), grad(v_2)) * dx
+ 1 / a2 * nF(y_A, y_C) * dot(grad(phi), grad(v_2)) * dx
) + (
inner(grad(J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_A)) * dx
+ inner(grad(J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_C)) * dx
if PoissonBoltzmann:
A += (
inner(grad(- a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1)), grad(v_A)) * dx
+ inner(grad(- a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1)), grad(v_C)) * dx
# total number density
def n(p):
return (p-1)/K + 1
# total free charge density
def nF(y_A, y_C, p):
return (z_C * y_C + z_A * y_A) * n(p)
# Diffusion fluxes for species A and C
def J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
return ln(y_A) + a2 * (solvation + 1) * K * ln(1 + 1/K * (p-1)) + z_A * phi
def J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
return ln(y_C) + a2 * (solvation + 1)* K * ln(1 + 1/K * (p-1)) + z_C * phi
A = (
inner(grad(phi), grad(v_1)) * dx
- 1 / Lambda2 * nF(y_A, y_C, p) * v_1 * dx
) + (
inner(grad(p), grad(v_2)) * dx
+ 1 / a2 * nF(y_A, y_C, p) * dot(grad(phi), grad(v_2)) * dx
) + (
inner(grad(J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_A)) * dx
+ inner(grad(J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_C)) * dx
F = A
# Initialize initial guess for u
y_C_init = fem.Function(W1)
y_A_init = fem.Function(W0)
y_C_init.interpolate(lambda x: np.full_like(x[0], y_C_R))
y_A_init.interpolate(lambda x: np.full_like(x[0], y_A_R))
with u.vector.localForm() as u_loc:
# Define Nonlinear Problem
problem = NonlinearProblem(F, u, bcs=bcs)
# Define Newton Solver and solver settings
solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
solver.rtol = rtol
if relax_param != None:
solver.relaxation_parameter = relax_param
if phi_right == phi_left:
solver.relaxation_parameter = 1.0
solver.relaxation_parameter = 1/(np.abs(phi_right-phi_left)**(5/4))
solver.max_it = max_iter = True
# Solve the problem
n, converged = solver.solve(u)
assert (converged)
print(f"Number of interations: {n:d}")
# Split the mixed function space into the individual components
y_A, y_C, phi, p = u.split()
# Return the solution
if return_type=='Vector':
x_vals = np.array(msh.geometry.x[:,0])
y_A_vals = np.array(u.sub(0).collapse().x.array)
y_C_vals = np.array(u.sub(1).collapse().x.array)
phi_vals = np.array(u.sub(2).collapse().x.array)
p_vals = np.array(u.sub(3).collapse().x.array)
return y_A_vals, y_C_vals, phi_vals, p_vals, x_vals
elif return_type=='Scalar':
return y_A, y_C, phi, p, msh
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Define the parameters
phi_left = 5.0
phi_right = 0.0
p_right = 0.0
y_A_R = 1/3
y_C_R = 1/3
z_A = -1.0
z_C = 1.0
K = 'incompressible'
Lambda2 = 8.553e-6
a2 = 7.5412e-4
number_cells = 1024
relax_param = .1
rtol = 1e-4
max_iter = 500
# Solve the system
y_A, y_C, phi, p, x = solve_System_4eq(phi_left, phi_right, p_right, z_A, z_C, y_A_R, y_C_R, K, Lambda2, a2, number_cells, relax_param=relax_param, x0=0, x1=1, refinement_style='uniform', return_type='Vector', max_iter=max_iter, rtol=rtol)
# Plot the solution
plt.plot(x, phi)
plt.xlabel('x [-]')
plt.ylabel('$\\varphi$ [-]')
plt.plot(x, y_A, '--', color='tab:blue', label='$y_A$')
plt.plot(x, y_C, '-', color='tab:blue', label='$y_C$')
plt.plot(x, 1 - y_A - y_C, ':', color='tab:blue', label='$y_S$')
plt.xlabel('x [-]')
plt.ylabel('$y_\\alpha$ [-]')
plt.plot(x, p)
plt.xlabel('x [-]')
plt.ylabel('$p$ [-]')
File added
Jan Habscheid
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from dolfinx import mesh
from ufl import Mesh
# Define mesh
def create_refined_mesh(refinement_style:str, number_cells:int) -> Mesh:
Creates a one-dimensional mesh with a refined region at the left boundary
refinement_style : str
How the mesh should be refined. Options are 'log', 'hard_log', 'hard_hard_log'
number_cells : int
Number of cells in the mesh
One-dimensional mesh, ready for use in FEniCSx
if refinement_style == 'log':
coordinates_np = (np.logspace(0, 1, number_cells+1) - 1) / 9
elif refinement_style == 'hard_log':
coordinates_np1 = (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.9)+1,endpoint=False)-1)/9 * 0.1
coordinates_np2 = 0.1 + (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.1)+1)-1)/9 * 0.9
coordinates_np = np.concatenate((coordinates_np1, coordinates_np2), axis=0)
elif refinement_style == 'hard_hard_log':
coordinates_np1 = (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.9)+1,endpoint=False)-1)/9 * 0.004
coordinates_np2 = 0.004 + (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.1)+1)-1)/9 * 0.996
coordinates_np = np.concatenate((coordinates_np1, coordinates_np2), axis=0)
num_vertices = len(coordinates_np)
num_cells = num_vertices - 1
cells_np = np.column_stack((np.arange(num_cells), np.arange(1, num_cells+1)))
gdim = 1
shape = 'interval' # 'interval', 'triangle', 'quadrilateral', 'tetrahedron', 'hexahedron'
degree = 1
domain = Mesh(element("Lagrange", shape, 1, shape=(1,)))
coordinates_np_ = []
[coordinates_np_.append([coord]) for coord in coordinates_np]
msh = mesh.create_mesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, cells_np, coordinates_np_, domain)
return msh
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