# Reproducibility Repository for: Numerical Treatment of a Thermodynamically Consistent Electrolyte Model (B.Sc. Thesis - Jan Habscheid)
This repository contains the code to reproduce the results presented in the bachelor thesis: Numerical Treatment of a Thermodynamically Consistent Electrolyte Model
Find the thesis at:
- Insert link to thesis
As a numerical solver, mainly FEniCSx was used and installed via conda.
All the calculations were performed on a Linux machine. According to the documentation, everything should work well on macOS, but this was not tested. FEniCSx offers some beta versions for Windows support, but it is recommended to use WSL2 instead.
conda create --name fenicsx-env python=3.12.3 -y
conda install -c conda-forge fenics-dolfinx=0.8.0 mpich=4.2.1 pyvista=0.43.10 matplotlib=3.8.4 numpy=1.26.4 scipy=1.14.0 -y
### Alternative installation
Use the "environment.yml" file to install all necessary environments
conda env create -f environment.yml
Find the visualizations from the thesis and some extra calculations in the "examples" folder.
In the subfolder "ReproducableCode" is the code, to execute the calculations with some first visualizations.
The subfolder "Data" stores the data for all the simulations in a *.npz file, which can be read with numpy `np.load(file.npz)`.
"Visualizations" creates the necessary figures from the thesis and stores them in *.svg format in "Figures".
In "src" there are the generic FEniCSx implementations, that were used to calculate the examples.
- Jan Habscheid

Jan Habscheid
- Dr. Lambert Theissen
- ACoM - Applied and Computational Mathematics
- RWTH Aachen University
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Torrilhon
- ACoM - Applied and Computational Mathematics
- RWTH Aachen University