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vispa.ini.sample 2.38 KiB
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#sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////var/db/vispa.db
#sqlalchemy.pool_size = 5
#sqlalchemy.max_overflow = 10
# inplace installation
script_location = vispa/models/alembic
# global installation
#script_location = vispa:models/alembic
Marcel Rieger's avatar
Marcel Rieger committed
dev_mode = True
Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed
# password for the status page /status
#status_password = changeme

Marcel Rieger's avatar
Marcel Rieger committed
# use base when running in subdirectory
Marcel Rieger's avatar
Marcel Rieger committed
# set dynamic part seperatly
#base.dynamic = /vispa
#base.static = http://localhost:8080/
# logging on client side
logging.level = all
logging.ignore = []
text.welcome = Welcome to VISPA!
#text.login = Information for Login
#text.registration = Information for Registration
#text.forgot = Information for Forgot password
#text.disclaimer =

# leave the feedback address empty to disable feedback
#feedback.address = 
feedback.subject = VISPA Feedback

# user registration
# use $username and $userid variables
#registration.hook = ['useradd', '$username']
registration.autoactive = True
registration.mail_hosts = []
registration.sendmail = False
registration.subject = Your registration at VISPA

# retrieval of forgotten passwords
forgot.use = False
forgot.subject = Your VISPA password

# absolute url
password_url = http://localhost:4282/vispa/password
Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed
# enable guets logins without providing any information
enable_guest_login = False
# default workspace action, i.e. a vispa.callbacks channel
workspace_action = openFileBrowser

Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed
enabled = False
# pxlrun command options, call of executable will be:
# pre_command_options command post_command_options
command = pxlrun
pre_command_options = 
#pre_command_options = nice -n 19 ionice -c 3
post_command_options = -p

# BatchSystem used for submission of jobs
manager = local
Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed

# allow the use of local workspaces
#allow_local = True
Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed

# if sender_address is not set, there is no mail functionality
sender_address = vispa@domain.tld =
smtp.port = 25
Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed

Gero Müller's avatar
Gero Müller committed

# Use REMOTE_USER variable for authentification
#remote.enabled = False

# Create non exisitng user after successful login
#remote.auto_create = True

# Use the email address from environment variable, e.g. HTTP_EMAIL
#remote.email_key = None

# Alternatively append the following domain as default, e.g.
#remote.email_domain = None