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* Mon May 23 2016 Krzysztof Kulakowski <> v1.1.0
- Implemented algorithm for detecting high-bandwidth memory on Intel Xeon Phi X200
  without parsing PMTT.
- PMTT-parsing service has been removed.
- memkind struct definition from memkind.h has been replaced by forward
  declaration. Definition has been moved to /internal/memkind_private.h and
  shouldn't be considered as part of library interface anymore.
- Performance improvment for hugetlb kinds (check_available() is no longer
  parsing sysfs every time).
- Performance fix by removing --enable-safe from jemmaloc build flags.
- New tests for validating high-bandwidth memory detection has been added.
- AFTS has been split into two groups: memkind-afts.ts and memkind-afts-ext.ts,
  based on amount of required memory (for details view test/README).