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* Thu Oct 15 2015 Krzysztof Kulakowski <> v0.3.0
  (for details please take a look at man/memkind.3)
- Added support for file-backed memory heaps
  (for details please take a look at man/memkind_pmem.3)
- Added autohbw library, that intercepts the standard heap allocations,
  which let use high-bandwidth memory without modifying existing codebase
  (for details please take a look at examples/autohbw_README)
- jemalloc is now, staticly linked, internal component of memkind RPM
  instead of rpm dependency.
- Added memkind_allocated example which demonstrates usage of memkind
  with alignas() alignment specifier introduced in C++11
  (for details please take a look at examples/README)
- Added support for using thread local storage to improve performance in
  multithreaded applications (enabled by configure time option: --enable-tls)
- Added posibility to set number of jemalloc arenas per kind by
  configure time parameter or enviromental variable
  (for details please take a look at MEMKIND_ARENA_NUM_PER_KIND section
  of man/memkind.3).
- Added decorators to the memkind allocation APIs.
  These are weak symbols (pre and post for each API) which can modify
  the input and output of each of the calls.
- Significantly extended test base (new groups of tests: performance,
  multithreaded, PMTT, nagtive, stress).