Changes to data properties
ToDo list:
remove fabio:has patent number -
remove frapo:has personal identifier -
replace frapo:hasORCID by new term mwo:hasORCID (" A data property relating a person to their Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). ", subPropertyOf dcterms:identifier) -
replace frapo:hasProjectIdentifier by new term mwo:hasProjectIdentifier (" A data property relating a research project with a unique identifier, defined in a given context. ", subPropertyOf dcterms:identifier) -
replace frapo:has serial number with new term mwo:has serial number (" A data property linking a product with its serial number or identifier. ") domain schema:product -
replace vivo:description with mwo:description (" A data property linking an entity to its description. "), domain: owl:Thing ... or dcterms:description -
replace frapo:feeOrFree with schema:free or schema:isAccessibleForFree -
replace frapo:hasAcronym with new term mwo:hasAcronym (" A data property indicating the acronym of an entity, often represented as an abbreviation of the initials of the name or title of the entity. ") -
remove frapo:has code -
replace frapo:has post code with new term mwo:has postal code (" A data property indicating the postal code of an address. "), subclass of mwo:has postal address? -
replace mwo:has email with nfdicore:email -
remove frapo:hasAgentInformation and all subclasses -
define mwo:has personal information (" A data property linking a person with information about that person. ") -
define mwo:firstName (" A data property linking a person with their first name. ") -
define mwo:surname (" A data property linking a person with their surname or last name. ") -
define mwo:personal title (" A data property linking a person with their personal title (Dr., Prof. etc). ") -
define mwo:has postal address (" A data property indicating the postal address of an entity. ") -
change domain of dcterms:has title to nfdicore:Resource -
change definition of mwo:has version (" A number or string that identifies different variants or releases of a resource. ") -
change domain of dcterms:has title to nfdicore:Resource -
replace vivo:keywords with new term mwo:keywords (" A data property used for defining something with keywords. "), domain: owl:Thing -
replace nfdico:url with nfdicore:url -
what should be the domain of mwo:hasEndpointURL now?
Edited by Azocar Guzman, Abril