Changes to classes after nfdicore update
Checklists of changes to implement:
replace nfdico:AcademicDiscipline with nfdicore:AcademicDiscipline -
remove fabio:SubjectDiscipline -
remove skos:Concept -
replace nfdico:Place with nfdicore:Place -
remove vivo:Location -
remove obo:GAZ_00000448 -
remove vcard:Location -
remove dcterms:Location -
replace nfdico:City with nfdicore:City -
remove dbo:City -
replace nfdico:Country with nfdicore:Country -
replace nfdico:FederalState with nfdicore:FederalState -
remove dbo:State -
replace nfdico:Organization with nfdicore:Organization -
remove foaf:Organization -
remove org:Organization -
remove vcard:Organization -
remove obo:OBI_0000245 -
remove ovm:Organisation -
nfdicore:Organization equivalentTo schema:Organization -
replace nfdico:Person with nfdicore:Person -
remove foaf:Person -
remove dbo:Person -
remove vcard:Individual -
nfdicore:Person equivalentTo schema:Person -
replace nfdico:Website with nfdicore:Website -
remove bibo:Website -
replace nfdico:Project with nfdicore:Project -
remove foaf:Project -
remove doap:Project -
remove irao:ResearchProject -
remove vivo:ResearchProject -
replace nfdico:Software with nfdicore:Software -
nfdicore:Software equivalentTo swo:Software -
replace nfdico:Publication with nfdicore:Publication -
remove dcterms:BibliographicResource -
remove fabio:ScholarlyWork -
replace nfdico:objectType with nfdicore:ObjectType -
remove nfdico:SparqlEndPoint -
remove nfdico:Contributor -
remove nfdico:RDMTool -
remove nfdico:ProgrammingLanguage -
import schema:ComputerLanguage -
import nfdicore:Consortium -
import nfdicore:DataPortal -
import nfdicore:Collection -
import nfdicore:ServiceType -
import nfdicore:Resource -
import nfdicore:ProvidedResource -
import nfdicore:DataPortal -
import nfdicore:Collection -
import nfdicore:Service
Edited by Azocar Guzman, Abril