Missing already existing definitions
The following terms are already defined but the definition is not in the owl file:
- nfdico:AcademicDiscipline
- nfdico:Website
- bibo:doi
- bibo:Website
- irao:ResearchProject (duplicate)
- irao:Researcher
- dbo:City
- dbo:State
These are equivalent classes (usually from nfdico) which also have missing definitions:
- vivo:Location
- obo:GAZ_00000448
- vcard:Location
- dcterms:Location
- foaf:Organization
- org:Organization
- vcard:Organization
- obo:OBI_0000245
- ovm:Organisation
- schema:Organization
- foaf:Project
- schema:Project
- doap:Project
- vivo:ResearchProject
Edited by Azocar Guzman, Abril