Add support for more Port types
Until now we assumed that each Port has the type Q, but EMAM supports other basic types:
- Q for rational numbers, converted to double
- N for natural numbers, converted to int
- Z for whole numbers, also converted to int
- B for boolean values, converted to bool
- (C for complex, you can ignore this)
You can get the Type-String of a port with port.getTypeReference().getName()
Example code in Freemarker:
<#list model.getOutgoingPorts() as port>
<#switch port.getTypeReference().getName()>
<#case "Q">
// double
<#case "N">
<#case "Z">
Write/parse the values in standard String form
- Q -> 1.5
- N -> 1
- Z -> -1
- B -> false
You can convert the whole number types(Z,N) by rounding a double:
*port_ = (int) round(value);
string value = to_string(1.0 * component->${pub.getName()});
Make sure that the pointer to port_ has the right type(int* in this case)
You can convert the boolean type(B) by checking a threshold:
*port_ = (value > 1.0e-10);
string value = to_string(component->${pub.getName()} ? 1.0 : 0.0);
Make sure that the pointer to port_ has the right type(bool* in this case)
Adapt your templates, so that all generated publish and callback methods support the Port Types Q, B, Z, and N. You might have to generated multiple Callback classes(e.g. CallbackQ.cpp/.hpp, CallbackN.cpp/.hpp,...) or think of an other approach.