Integration into EMAM2Middleware
In EMAM2Middleware
pom.xml -
add the dependency of your mw generator -
(increment project version)
New Class in de.monticore.lang.monticar.generator.middleware.impls -
Wrapper for your generator -
implements GeneratorImpl -
similar to RosCppGenImpl
Changes for DistributedTargetGeneratorCli -
New Constant like Line 47 -
also add to getGeneratorNames() -
add to runGenerator, ignoring TagSchema and TagHelper instructions for now
Add a new Test Class -
Similar to Ros2GenerationTest -
1 or more TestCases -
replace resolveTags with manual adding of your middleware Tags as in the previous Test cases -
add the CPP and your middleware generator -
compile the result using gitlab-ci and your docker image