Create Workflow for Autonomous Pipeline Execution
In montipipes#1 a python script was generated to execute a python pipeline. In this issue minimal workflow shall be created to test functionality integration into the framework
dedicated classes to execute the following steps -
parsing -
parse appropriate pipeline model -
parse pipeline configuration -
parse training configuration -
symbol table for EMA pipeline -
symbol table for training and pipeline configurations
check CoCos -
inter-model validations (schemas / configurations): -
generate backend-related artefacts -
wrap EMADLGenerator with new main generator (MontiAnnaGenerator) -
refactor MontiAnnaGenerator using EMADLGenerator functionality
provide python training configuration -
use default if not generated -
generate the configuration
choose the appropriate schema API -
calculate execution semantic -
generate pipeline script -
execute pipeline -
read results -
Discuss TODOS
Problem with parsing LeNet model with generic parameters
- EMADLGenerator for inspiration
- Defaults are to be used to create quick demonstration
- Only PyTorch is supported as backend for now
Edited by Feras Mulhem