Add Moisture Balance to Thermal Zone
Created by: KremerMartin
What is the problem?
The Thermal Zone only contains a balance for thermal loads. As I am doing research on Moisture Recovery, I find it useful to have an moisture balance in the thermal zone.
How do we want to solve it? Describe the solution you'd like
I am setting up new reduced order models, that differ in the air volume. Instead of using the mixing volume, I will be using the mixing volume moist air. This will ensure that existing models based on the existing reduced order models are not influenced by this change. Moreover the simulation time will not be enlarged for those, who do not need an moisture balance.
I will define internal gains for moisture depending on VDI 2078. Moisture input through walls will in a first approach be neglected.
Describe alternatives you've considered
I first considered changing the reduced order models directly. Therefore I wanted to bind the moisture balance on an if-clause using a boolean variable as it is done in the MixingVolume (use_m_wat_flow). As the simulation time increases even if the boolean variable is set to false, I discarded this idea.