Enhancements to the new HP Model
Created by: FWuellhorst
What is the problem? As mentioned in #577 (closed), a new heat pump model was implemented. The first version of the model is now in the current devolopment and works. There are a few points i will change / add in the near future. Some may also be suggestions to future development of the model.
How do we want to solve it?
Add a function for the icing factor based on an existing model -
The polynomal approach in the IBPSA HP Model Carnot_y shall be used as an example function for the new model -
Propagate and test the ND-DataTables model -
Add an example .sdf file to demonstrate usage of ND-DataTables -
Add a base record for chiller data. This data will also be based on the EN 14511. So far no data is inside the AixLib, thus the chiller function of the model can't be tested -
The scaling factor may be included into the nominal pressure loss parameter as well as the nominal heat transfer coefficient both on evaporator and condenser side -
Make the boundary map model icon dynamic based on the table data provided -
Documentation and revisions have to be added
If anyone is using any model related to the new heat pump model, such as models from these packages
and has suggestions for improvements or encountered bugs, please refer to this issue.