Error message when loading library in OpenModelica v1.11.0
Created by: fab6
I just tried to load the library (latest git) with openmodelica on linux.
Unfortunately I get the following error message:
[1] 09:02:21 Syntax Warning [/share/Tools/THERMO/MODELICA/Libraries/AixLib_RWTH/AixLib/Utilities/Communication/SocketCommunication/Functions/TCP/ 6:36-6:482]: Lexer treating \ as \, since \h is not a valid Modelica escape sequence.
[2] 09:02:21 Translation Error [/share/Tools/THERMO/MODELICA/Libraries/AixLib_RWTH/AixLib/Fluid/HeatExchangers/Radiators/BaseClasses/package.order: 0:0-0:0]: Found duplicate names in package.order file: RadiatorTypes.
[3] 09:02:21 Scripting Error Failed to load package AixLib () using MODELICAPATH /share/Tools/THERMO/MODELICA/Libraries/AixLib_RWTH:/share/software/Optimization/OpenModelica/v1.11.0/lib/omlibrary:/home/fbraenns/.openmodelica/libraries/.
Do you have a hint, how I can solve this? Thanks Fabian