v6.2.0d08a6e77 · ·
* Added a new EoS for heavy water * Added pre-built wheels for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 * The MATLAB wrappers have been abandoned in favour of Python-based calls * Add phase specification to high-level interface * LabVIEW VIs can now call PropsSI and Props1SI * Added a wrapper for Android
v6.0.0df13df77 · ·
New features: * MathCAD wrapper working again (thanks to Jeff Henning) * Added binary interaction parameters for more than 400 mixtures * Added a cubic backend supporting PR and SRK for some calculations * Added new non-iterative viscosity model for a few refrigerants (especially R32 and R245fa) * Implemented EOS for HCl, D4, ethylene oxide, and dichloroethane from M. Thol * ... and a lot of little bugfixes (see issues) Contributors to this release: ibell, jowr, henningjp, bilderbuchi, dinojr, mapipolo, Mol3culo, stefann82, arashsk, pypamart, milesabarr, wahlenkus, saha84, EmiCas, Heathckliff, Tom0310, dizzux, davideziviani, paarfi Issues Closed: * `#1056 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1056>`_ : Added "set_reference_state" wrapper for Mathcad and Updated Example Worksheets * `#1053 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1053>`_ : Align Tmax with REFPROP values * `#1049 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1049>`_ : apply_simple_mixing_rule should be implemented for HEOS instances * `#1048 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1048>`_ : Calling set_binary_interaction_double on AbstractState instance has no effect * `#1047 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1047>`_ : Mathcad Wrapper Updates for CoolProp 5.x and 6 * `#1044 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1044>`_ : Manylinux build integration * `#1041 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1041>`_ : Fixed Minor MSVC Compiler Warnings * `#1034 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1034>`_ : Strange behaviour of densities at critical point * `#1033 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1033>`_ : Python builder issues * `#1032 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1032>`_ : Rewrite mixture derivatives tests to use new format * `#1031 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1031>`_ : Fixes STRING conflict between Mathcad library and cppformat * `#1030 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1030>`_ : Add pass-throughs for testing derivatives * `#1029 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1029>`_ : Sphinx builder * `#1028 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1028>`_ : ALTERNATIVE_REFPROP_PATH ignored for predefined mixtures * `#1026 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1026>`_ : Add REFPROP version to REFPROP comparison script * `#1025 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1025>`_ : Phase envelopes construction failing for example in docs * `#1024 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1024>`_ : VLE calcs failing for SRK & PR backends * `#1023 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1023>`_ : AbstractState.update fails for mixtures containing specific refrigerants using REFPROP backend * `#1020 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1020>`_ : Add target_link_libraries to CMakeLists.txt * `#1014 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1014>`_ : Figure out how to make coolprop static library a clean cmake dependency * `#1012 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1012>`_ : Residual Helmholtz energy not work * `#1011 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1011>`_ : Update references * `#1010 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1010>`_ : Derivative of residual Helmholtz energy with delta * `#1009 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1009>`_ : Can't compute densities at the triple point * `#1007 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1007>`_ : 'error: key [Ar] was not found in string_to_index' * `#1006 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1006>`_ : Use c++14 when building on MINGW * `#1005 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1005>`_ : Derivative of the saturation enthalpy cair_sat = d(hsat)/dT * `#1003 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1003>`_ : Fix bug in Chung estimation model * `#1002 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1002>`_ : Add python 3.5 wheel * `#1001 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1001>`_ : DmolarP broken for Air * `#1000 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/1000>`_ : Fix setting of BIP function * `#999 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/999>`_ : Abbreviate all journal names * `#998 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/998>`_ : Refine phase envelope better on liquid side * `#997 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/997>`_ : Abbreviate IECR in CoolProp reference * `#996 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/996>`_ : Update references for R245fa and R1234ze(E) * `#995 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/995>`_ : Check double_equal in CPnumerics.h * `#994 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/994>`_ : Find a way to simplify includes * `#993 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/993>`_ : Test/Add example for DLL calling from C * `#992 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/992>`_ : Fix reference for R1234ze(E) again * `#987 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/987>`_ : Multiple EOS paper refs run together * `#986 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/986>`_ : Air lookup in Excel v5.1.2 * `#982 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/982>`_ : Reorganize CoolPropTools.h into smaller modules * `#981 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/981>`_ : Saturation states * `#976 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/976>`_ : Add high-level functions to Julia wrapper * `#975 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/975>`_ : Correct get_parameter_information_string, fixes #974 * `#973 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/973>`_ : Remove warnings when using Julia 0.4 realease * `#971 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/971>`_ : Fix bug in PhaseEnvelopeRoutines::evaluate * `#970 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/970>`_ : Props1SI function missing in Mathematica wrapper on OSX * `#968 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/968>`_ : Update index.rst * `#967 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/967>`_ : SO2 ancillaries broken * `#964 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/964>`_ : Update index.rst * `#963 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/963>`_ : Update index.rst * `#962 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/962>`_ : Update sample.sce * `#960 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/960>`_ : Update index.rst * `#953 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/953>`_ : Remap CoolPropDbl to double * `#952 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/952>`_ : Switch string formatting to use the cppformat library; see #907 * `#951 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/951>`_ : Allow gibbs as input to first_partial_deriv() * `#950 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/950>`_ : Wrong units for residual entropy * `#949 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/949>`_ : Fix {} in bibtex to protect title capitalization * `#948 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/948>`_ : Update reference for EOS-CG * `#947 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/947>`_ : Add Fij to REFPROPMixtureBackend::get_binary_interaction_double * `#945 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/945>`_ : Add EOS for R245ca * `#944 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/944>`_ : Update reference for R1233ze(E) * `#941 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/941>`_ : CoolProp returns same value for p_critical and p_triple for R503 * `#937 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/937>`_ : Allow ability to get refprop version * `#934 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/934>`_ : Memory access violation on mixture update at very low pressures using tabular backend * `#933 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/933>`_ : ValueError: Bad phase to solver_rho_Tp_SRK (CoolProp 5.1.2) * `#932 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/932>`_ : Fix EOS reference for oxygen * `#931 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/931>`_ : Remap CoolPropDbl to double permanently * `#930 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/930>`_ : Phase envelopes should be begin at much lower pressure * `#929 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/929>`_ : PT should start with Halley's method everywhere * `#928 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/928>`_ : Add EOS for HCl, D4, ethylene oxide, and dichloroethane * `#927 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/927>`_ : Add ability to use Henry's Law to get guesses for liquid phase composition * `#926 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/926>`_ : hydrogen formula is wrong * `#925 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/925>`_ : Fix HS inputs * `#921 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/921>`_ : Tabular calcs with mixtures often return Dew T< Bubble T using PQ input pair * `#920 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/920>`_ : Cant find temperature at pressure and entropy * `#917 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/917>`_ : Fix errors in docs * `#907 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/907>`_ : Replace string formatting with C++ format library * `#905 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/905>`_ : Using conda recipes * `#885 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/885>`_ : Duplicate critical points found * `#854 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/854>`_ : Coolprop R448A, R449A or R450A * `#816 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/816>`_ : Issue with viscosity of R245FA * `#808 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/808>`_ : Implement tangent plane distance * `#665 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/665>`_ : Viscosity convergence issue * `#279 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/279>`_ : Rebuild MathCAD wrapper with v5 support * `#186 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/issues/186>`_ : Convert cubics to HE Pull Requests merged: * `#1062 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1062>`_ : Export first_partial_deriv, see #946 #1062 * `#1056 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1056>`_ : Added "set_reference_state" wrapper for Mathcad and Updated Example Worksheets * `#1053 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1053>`_ : Align Tmax with REFPROP values * `#1047 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1047>`_ : Mathcad Wrapper Updates for CoolProp 5.x and 6 * `#1041 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1041>`_ : Fixed Minor MSVC Compiler Warnings * `#1031 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1031>`_ : Fixes STRING conflict between Mathcad library and cppformat * `#1020 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/1020>`_ : Add target_link_libraries to CMakeLists.txt * `#982 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/982>`_ : Reorganize CoolPropTools.h into smaller modules * `#981 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/981>`_ : Saturation states * `#976 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/976>`_ : Add high-level functions to Julia wrapper * `#975 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/975>`_ : Correct get_parameter_information_string, fixes #974 * `#973 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/973>`_ : Remove warnings when using Julia 0.4 realease * `#968 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/968>`_ : Update index.rst * `#964 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/964>`_ : Update index.rst * `#963 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/963>`_ : Update index.rst * `#962 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/962>`_ : Update sample.sce * `#960 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/960>`_ : Update index.rst * `#953 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/953>`_ : Remap CoolPropDbl to double * `#952 <http://github.com/CoolProp/CoolProp/pull/952>`_ : Switch string formatting to use the cppformat library; see #907
v5.0.7173bc5e0 · ·
5.0.7 ----- New Features: * Added a Lua wrapper Issues Closed: * #460: PropsSI ("Q", "P", valueP, "H", valueH, "REFPROP-R410A") only return 0 * #459: PropsSI ("D", "P", valueP, "T", valueT, "R407C") return bad result in L+V Phasis * #454: Add density dependency to entropy and enthalpy of incomprerssible fluids * #452: Allow mixtures to have zero mole fractions * #450: Calling PropsSI to get thermal conductivity throws an exception * #448: Retrieving acentric factor through Props1SI fails * #443: Javascript index.html is missing * #437: REFPROP predefined mixtures no longer work * #434: R404A Refprop value differs from Refprop Value in Excel * #432: All the mixture interaction parameters of Gernert are wrong * #431: REFPROP should not be reloaded after every call to PropsSI * #430: HAPropsSI is missing from the SWIG wrapper * #429: Entropy of Melinder fluids giving wrong results * #428: On windows, do not error out if REFPROP fluid files are not found in c:\Program Files\REFPROP * #427: HapropsSi("W","B", 279.15, "T", 293.15, "P", 101325) lead to a "-1.#IND" value * #425: Incompressible viscosity * #419: HapropSI ("T","B",273.15+37,"D",273.15+36.44,"P",101325) lead to an error ... * #416: Sphinx docs * #413: Incompressible entropy * #410: Phase envelope segfaults for pure fluids * #409: Trivial outputs * #408: HapropsSI function issues * #403: Error in new CoolProp version in the function HAPropsSI (variable combination 'PH' and 'W') * #401: Linux/OSX error with refprop 9.1* and mixtures containing R1234YF * #400: HAPropsSI(Output, "B",valueB, "R", 1, "P", 101325) lead to an error * #398: HAPropsSI(Output, "B",252.84, "D";250.85, "P", 101325) lead to an infinite value * #387: Vectorised PropSI breaks plotting functions * #386: Bibtex numbering * #307: Transport Properties for Mixtures
v5.0.5f9d01990 · ·
* Added Mathematica wrapper * Added ``Prandtl()`` function to ``AbstractState`` * Added vectorized ``PropsSImulti`` function that can return a matrix of outputs for vectors of state inputs and desired outputs Removed Features: * All the ``PropsSI`` overloads. For all other types of inputs, the ``PropsSImulti`` function is now used Issues Closed: * #375: If one input and one output to PropsSI, bubble error cleanly * #373: Move predefined mixture parsing to HelmholtzEOS initializer function * #372: Prandtl number is missing from AbstractState * #371: Parse inputs to PropsSI/PropsSI(vectorized) and turn into a vector of inputs * #370: Docs are missing all the fluid files * #368: CoolProp on iOS * #367: Python module architecture * #366: Get value of universal gas constant * #365: REFPROP_lib.h is missed in 5.0.4 source code zip * #364: Liquid and vapor saturation pressures are not the same for some fluids * #363: Revision synchronisation * #359: Add high-level function that allows for multiple outputs * #357: Vector functions and state class * #349: Host v4 docs
v5.0.4db178fe5 · ·
BUGFIX: Lots of bugs squashed. New features: * Julia wrapper added * Derivatives along the saturation line for pure fluids implemented * Exposed the configuration getter/setter through SWIG (except for MATLAB) * Added transport properties for xylenes and Ethylbenzene * Surface tension for HFC pseudo-pures added Issues Closed: * #355: In MSVC, too many symbols are exported in SWIG+MATLAB * #354: REFPROP headers * #353: Using HAPropsSI within circular reference on Mac Excel 2011 causes div/0 error! * #350: Python module docs * #347: Implement calc_melting_line for incompressibles * #346: Memory sanitizer is reporting errors with RPVersion function call * #344: skip typeerror in Excel to make 32-bit xlam work in 64-bit excel * #342: Refprop mixture with 4 components error * #339: Some SWIG tests fail due to the inclusion of rapidjson header * #337: ECS not yielding the proper values for eta and lambda * #332: Make the REFPROP wrapper code 1% more sane * #331: Excel wapper shouts errors (in Excel 2013) * #330: Implement ECS model for viscosity of xylenes and ethylbenzene * #326: expose configuration through SWIG * #325: Implement the generalized derivatives for REFPROP as well * #324: SetPath for Refprop * #322: Add method to AbstractState to return mixture component names * #321: Add more R-number aliases * #320: HAPropsSI("T", "V", 0.83, "R", 1, "P", 101325) & lead to infinite value * #319: Error in entropy calculation with TH inputs * #314: Add surface tension reference information to docs * #312: Small examples of the use of derivatives should be in docs * #309: MEG properties * #308: Set maximum states for saturation curves for pseudo-pures properly * #306: Surface Tension for HFC Pseudo-Pure is missing * #304: Develop some docs about hooking up with Julia code * #294: Add the clang sanitize tests to buildbot * #247: Implement thermal conductivity for o-Xylene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene, and Ethylbenzene * #238: add a function to retrieve derivatives along the saturation curve
v5.0.38231f433 · ·
Bugfix, with some new functionality The most important fix is for users of Microsoft Excel on windows. It is imperative to download a new CoolProp.dll, there was a serious bug in how Excel and CoolProp interact that has been fixed. Issues Closed: * #293: Requirement for zipped source code file * #292: Update CycloHexane EOS * #289: Two-phase states don't work for DY flash * #288 : Some calls in Excel throw FPU exceptions which throw error messages * #287: Predefined mixtures cannot be used in PropsSI * #285: Cannot solve for conductivity and viscosity * #284: Create build steps on the master that allow us to automate the releasing even more * #283: Change fullclean logic to use git pull to wipe the folder completely * #282: SWIG wrappers not converting errors in PropsSI to exceptions * #280: Describe the predefined mixtures with examples on website