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# Version 0.4.0

Sifted through the project to clean up some items that have gotten away from me. Removed/retired some older code and tests, strict adherence to code quality steps, and updated dependencies.

# Patch Notes

## Improvements
- Code Cleanup and re-implementation of stricter code standards (!131, !132, !133)
- Started addressing some earlier poor practice with testing fixtures (!134)

## Changes
- Updated some long overdue dependencies
  - pandas (1.5.1 -> 2.2.2, !131)
  - numpy (1.23.4 -> 126.4, !136)
  - geopandas (0.12.0 -> 0.14.3, !131)
  - pyarrow (8.0 -> 15.0.2, !131)
  - scipy (1.9.3 -> 1.13.0, !136)
  - frictionless (5.15.10 -> 5.16.1, !136)
  - scikit-learn (1.1.2 -> 1.4.2, !136)
  - plotly (!5.13.1 -> 5.20.0, !136)
- Updated some dev dependencies:
  - flake8 (7.0.0 -> 8.0.0, !135)
  - pylint (2.17.3 -> 3.1.0, !135)
  - vulture (2.7 -> 2.11, !135)
  - ipykernel (6.28.0 -> 6.29.4, !135)