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- New Features
  - Can now include references to Ontologies and Terms in the TiB Terminilogy Service from a Schema file, which will then be incporated when validating data files matching that schema. (!110)
  - Added a new script `` for calling quality or validation checks independently. (!120)

- Improvements
  - Improved background object generation (!114)
  - Better collapsing of test cases when many with identical text are generated (!115)
  - Improved organization of the CI/CD scripts (!116)
  - Made it easier to create Datafile objects from local files (!117)
  - Made it easier to add new Quality Checks regardless of data type (!118)
  - Added in better automatic checking of S3 sources (!119)

- Fixes
  - Added missing dependency for allowing Frictionless to interrogate locally available parquet files (!112)
  - Fixed a case where we incorrectly validated an empty schema file (!110)
  - Fixed case where validation status could be missing in the dictionary output of the schema object (!121)