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AIMS / public / lvKRAKEN
European Union Public License 1.2KRAKEN Represents Additional Knowledge (about) Experiment Numbers
LabVIEW library and framework to setup a modular actor based measurement application and generate hdf5 measurement data files including metadata based on configuration files and user input
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VAMatlab
Apache License 2.0VAMatlab is a binding to the VA interface for Matlab. It uses the VA network connection to forward commands and receive information to a VA server, usually the VAServer application.
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ACS / Public / Power System Automation and Monitoring / D Opf
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
AVT-SVT / public / Daeo
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterRepository for DaeoToolbox, a software for differential-algebraic equations with optimization criteria (DAEO).
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Monte Carlo Based Sensitivity Analysis of a Simulation Model to Determine Production Logistics Key Performance Indicators for Powder Bed Fusion
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Sebastian Krämer / A-IRLS
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseMatlab implementations of (alternating) IRLS algorithms for vector cardinality, matrix rank and tensor sum-of-rank minimization.
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Implementation of Reynold's equation in viscometer gap
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Lukas Martin Johann / Shallow neural networks to predict glass transition crystallization and liquidus temperature of iron based metallic glasses
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalMATLAB 2020b code and data provided for the publication "Shallow neural networks to predict glass transition, crystallization and liquidus temperature of iron-based metallic glasses". The data used in the publication may be shared on request.