Explore projects
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RoboGuide / charuco_detect
MIT LicenseCharuco detection for ROS. Publishes the pose as tf2 and an image for visualization.
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Bachelor's thesis project for testing top-down and bottom-up algorithms for pruning nondeterministic finite automata.
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3pia / forge / Quimby
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseC library to access and process smooth particles, spezialized on the GADGET file format. Its main purpose is to provide fast access to the magnetic field from SPH simulations.
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Iterative jet cone finding algorithm
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Auto-correlation as in e.g. in The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter, Astropart. Phys., 2010, 34, 314-326.
The module creates a BasicNVector in a UserRecord for the
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C module that runs FastJet algorithms on PXL event data.
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Algorithm for automated reconstruction of particle cascades
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Dieses Übungsprojekt implementiert austauschbare Integrationsmethoden für den gegebenen ODE Solver.
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Tim Übelhör / cv_pixel_counter
MIT LicenseROS node that counts the number of pixels of a given color in an image. Uses the opencv_apps image_filter nodes to segment the image and counts the segmented pixels.
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Tim Übelhör / catkin-conan
The UnlicenseUsing conan in a catkin workspace to pull in external dependencies.
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Jonathan Müller / SPlisHSPlasH
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated