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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • epic-prio05🟡
    p ∈ [5, 8)
  • epic-prio03🟢
    p ∈ [3, 5)
  • epic-prio02🔵
    p ∈ [2, 3)
  • epic-prio01🟣
    p ∈ [1, 2)
  • Should be used for one EPIC that has been added to the backlog for next "in progress".
  • Should be used for EPICs that are part of a larger initiative or project, and are currently being worked on by the team
  • EPICFunnel
    Should be used for EPICs that are part of a larger initiative or project, and are currently being evaluated or prioritized for review
  • EPICFinished
    Should be used for EPICs that are part of a larger initiative or project, and have been completed and are no longer active
  • Should be used for EPICs that require further analysis or investigation before a solution or course of action can be determined, and are part of a larger initiative or project that requires coordination across multiple teams or features
  • Should be used for max. three EPICs that have been added to the backlog for next "Analyzing".
  • Endpoints
    Should be used for issues or merge requests related to updating or adding endpoints inside the Coscine's API
  • Documentation
    Should be used for issues or merge requests related to documentation, such as updating or creating new documentation or fixing errors in existing documentation
  • Should be used for issues that have been closed and have all their related projects deployed in their latest version to the LIVE system
  • Should be used for issues that have been closed and have all their related projects deployed in their latest version to the D-SP10 development system
  • Deadline
    Should be used for epics that have a set strict deadline or a timeframe where a feature has been promised and must be delivered until then.
    External Project:
  • CRON
    Should be used for issues or merge requests that touch on the topic of scheduling specific scripts and tasks of repetitive nature
    External Project:
  • CI/CD ⚙️
    Should be used for issues or merge requests related to continuous integration and continuous deployment processes in the project, such as configuring CI/CD pipelines or fixing issues with existing pipelines