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Release date: 2019-11-06
SHA-256: b5ba7228f3c22a882d379e93d08eab4349458ee16fbf45291347994eac7dc7ce (json.hpp), 77b9f54b34e7989e6f402afb516f7ff2830df551c3a36973085e2c7a6b1045fe (

This release fixes several small bugs in the library. All changes are backward-compatible.

- Fixed a segmentation fault when serializing `std::int64_t` minimum value. #1708 #1722
- Fixed the [`contains()`]( function for JSON Pointers. #1727 #1741
- Fixed too lax SFINAE guard for conversion from `std::pair` and `std::tuple` to `json`. #1805 #1806 #1825 #1826
- Fixed some regressions detected by UBSAN. Updated CI to use Clang-Tidy 7.1.0. #1716 #1728
- Fixed integer truncation in `iteration_proxy`. #1797
- Updated [Hedley]( to v11 to [fix a E2512 error]( in MSVC. #1799
- Fixed a compile error in enum deserialization of non non-default-constructible types. #1647 #1821
- Fixed the conversion from `json` to `std::valarray`.

- The [`items()`]( function can now be used with a custom string type. #1765
- Made [`json_pointer::back`]( `const`. #1764 #1769
- Meson is part of the release archive. #1672 #1694
- Improved documentation on the Meson and Spack package manager. #1694 #1720

- Added GitHub Workflow with `ubuntu-latest`/GCC 7.4.0 as CI step.
- Added GCC 9 to Travis CI to compile with C++20 support. #1724
- Added MSVC 2019 to the AppVeyor CI. #1780
- Added badge to [fuzzing status](
- Fixed some cppcheck warnings. #1760
- Fixed several typos in the documentation. #1720 #1767 #1803
- Added documentation on the `JSON_THROW_USER`, `JSON_TRY_USER`, and `JSON_CATCH_USER` macros to control user-defined exception handling.
- Used GitHub's [CODEOWNERS]( and [SECURITY]( feature.
- Removed `GLOB` from CMake files. #1779
- Updated to [Doctest]( 2.3.5.

This release does not deprecate any functions. As an overview, the following functions have been deprecated in earlier versions and will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):

- Function [`iterator_wrapper`]( are deprecated. Please use the member function [`items()`]( instead.
- Functions [`friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&)`]( and [`friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&)`]( are deprecated. Please use [`friend std::istream&  operator>>(std::istream&, basic_json&)`]( and [`friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&)`]( instead.