# Tight Binding Model twisted SnS

This repository contains the 13-parameter tight-binding Hamiltonian to model the low-energy band structure of twisted SnS as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.02806. 

## Getting started

To get started, simply clone the repository to your local machine and change to the new directory.
git clone https://git.rwth-aachen.de/ammon.fischer/tight-binding-model-twisted-sns.git
cd tight-binding-model-twisted-sns

Afterwards, a plot of the band structure is generated by running 
python3 bands.py

For further details, the reader may refer to tSnS.py, where details of the Bloch Hamiltonian and geometrical 
structure data are provided.

## Authors and acknowledgment
This repository is part of the publication EDIT from