From 8633936cdd60b3388a3ce81335540c1b7fee53bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JanHab <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 16:36:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added PoissonBoltzmann + reduced system of equations with

 examples/                   | 132 +++++++
 .../             |  22 ++
 examples/                  |   4 +-
 src/                                   | 355 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 511 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/
 create mode 100644 examples/DoubleLayerCapacity/
 create mode 100644 src/

diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b8176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Jan Habscheid
+# import the src file needed to solve the system of equations
+import sys
+import os
+# Add the src directory to the sys.path
+src_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'src')
+sys.path.insert(0, src_path)
+from Eq04 import solve_System_4eq
+# Remove the src directory from sys.path after import
+del sys.path[0]
+# Further imports
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+# Define the parameters and boundary conditions
+phi_left = 6.0
+phi_right = 0.0
+p_right = 0.0
+y_A_L, y_C_L = 1/3, 1/3
+z_A, z_C = -1.0, 1.0
+number_cells = 1024*8
+K_vec = ['incompressible', 15_000, 5_000, 1_500, 500]
+Lambda2 = 8.553e-6
+a2 = 7.5412e-4
+refinement_style = 'hard_hard_log'
+rtol = 1e-7
+relax_param = 0.08
+max_iter = 10_000
+# Calculate the total number density, based on the pressure
+def n_expr(p, K):
+    if K == 'incompressible':
+        return np.ones_like(p)
+    return (p-1) / K + 1  
+# Solve the system
+y_A, y_C, y_S, phi, p, n, x = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
+for K in K_vec:
+    y_A_, y_C_, phi_, p_, x_ = solve_System_4eq(phi_left, phi_right, p_right, z_A, z_C, y_A_L, y_C_L, K, Lambda2, a2, number_cells, relax_param = relax_param, max_iter=max_iter, refinement_style=refinement_style, return_type='Vector', rtol=rtol)
+    y_A.append(y_A_)
+    y_C.append(y_C_)
+    y_S.append(1 - y_A_ - y_C_)
+    phi.append(phi_)
+    p.append(p_)
+    n.append(n_expr(p_, K))
+    x.append(x_)
+# Plot the results
+fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(30, 20))
+# Define plotting parameter
+labelsize = 30
+lw = 4
+legend_width = 8
+xlim = 0.05
+markers = ['-.', '--', '-', ':']
+colors = ['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple']
+# Legend for compressibility scaling
+axs[0,0].plot(0, 0, label='Incompressible', color=colors[0])
+[axs[0,0].plot(0, 0, label=f'$\kappa$ = {K_vec[i]}', color=colors[i]) for i in range(1, len(K_vec))]
+# Electric potential
+[axs[0,0].plot(x[i], phi[i], lw=lw, color=colors[i]) for i in range(len(K_vec))]
+axs[0,0].set_xlabel('x [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[0,0].set_ylabel('$\\varphi$ [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[0,0].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=labelsize)
+# Concentrations
+for i in range(len(K_vec)):
+    clr = colors[i]
+    axs[0,1].plot(x[i], y_A[i], markers[0], color=clr, lw=lw)
+    axs[0,1].plot(x[i], y_C[i], markers[1], color=clr, lw=lw)
+axs[0,1].plot(0, 0.1, color='grey', linestyle='--', label='Anions')
+axs[0,1].plot(0, 0.1, color='grey', linestyle=':', label='Cations')
+axs[0,1].set_xlabel('x [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[0,1].set_ylabel('$y_\\alpha$ [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[0,1].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=labelsize)
+a = plt.axes([.75, .77, .2, .2])
+for i in range(len(K_vec)):
+    clr = colors[i]
+    a.plot(x[i], y_S[i], markers[0], color=clr, lw=lw)
+axs[0,1].plot(0, 0.1, color='grey', linestyle='--', label='Solvent')
+a.set_xlabel('$\delta \\varphi$ [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+a.set_ylabel('$y_S$ [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+a.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=labelsize)
+# Number densities
+for i in range(len(K_vec)):
+    clr = colors[i]
+    axs[1,1].plot(x[i], y_A[i] * n[i], markers[0], color=clr, lw=lw)
+    axs[1,1].plot(x[i], y_C[i] * n[i], markers[1], color=clr, lw=lw)
+axs[1,1].set_xlabel('log(x) [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[1,1].set_ylabel('log($n_\\alpha$) [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[1,1].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=labelsize)
+# Pressure
+[axs[1,0].plot(x[i], p[i], lw=lw, color=colors[i]) for i in range(len(K_vec))]
+axs[1,0].set_ylim(1e-9, np.max(p))
+axs[1,0].set_xlabel('x [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[1,0].set_ylabel('log($p$) [-]', fontsize=labelsize)
+axs[1,0].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=labelsize)
+lgnd = fig.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.98, 1.05), fontsize=labelsize, ncol=7, markerscale=60)
+for line in lgnd.get_lines():
+    line.set_linewidth(legend_width)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/DoubleLayerCapacity/ b/examples/DoubleLayerCapacity/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0923e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/DoubleLayerCapacity/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Jan Habscheid
+# import the src file needed to solve the system of equations
+import sys
+import os
+# Add the src directory to the sys.path
+src_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../..', 'src')
+sys.path.insert(0, src_path)
+from Eq04 import solve_System_4eq
+# Remove the src directory from sys.path after import
+del sys.path[0]
+# Import plotting library
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# Define Parameter and buondary conditions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index c3a428a..a887676 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ plt.plot(phi_left_vec, y_C_error_L2, 'o-', label='$y_C$')
 plt.plot(phi_left_vec, y_S_error_L2, 'o-', label='$y_S$')
-plt.xlabel('$\Delta \\varphi$')
+plt.xlabel('$\delta \\varphi$')
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ plt.plot(phi_left_vec, y_C_error_inf, 'o-', label='$y_C$')
 plt.plot(phi_left_vec, y_S_error_inf, 'o-', label='$y_S$')
-plt.xlabel('$\Delta \\varphi$')
+plt.xlabel('$\delta \\varphi$')
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45901a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+Jan Habscheid
+import numpy as np
+from mpi4py import MPI
+from dolfinx import mesh, fem, log
+from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem
+from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver
+from ufl import TestFunctions, split, dot, grad, dx, inner, ln, Mesh
+from basix.ufl import element, mixed_element
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# Define mesh
+def create_refined_mesh(refinement_style:str, number_cells:int) -> Mesh:
+    '''
+    Creates a one-dimensional mesh with a refined region at the left boundary
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    refinement_style : str
+        How the mesh should be refined. Options are 'log', 'hard_log', 'hard_hard_log'
+    number_cells : int
+        Number of cells in the mesh
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Mesh
+        One-dimensional mesh, ready for use in FEniCSx
+    '''
+    if refinement_style == 'log':
+        coordinates_np = (np.logspace(0, 1, number_cells+1) - 1) / 9
+    elif refinement_style == 'hard_log':
+        coordinates_np1 = (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.9)+1,endpoint=False)-1)/9 * 0.1
+        coordinates_np2 = 0.1 + (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.1)+1)-1)/9 * 0.9
+        coordinates_np = np.concatenate((coordinates_np1, coordinates_np2), axis=0)
+    elif refinement_style == 'hard_hard_log':
+        coordinates_np1 = (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.9)+1,endpoint=False)-1)/9 * 0.004
+        coordinates_np2 = 0.004 + (np.logspace(0,1,int(number_cells*0.1)+1)-1)/9 * 0.996
+        coordinates_np = np.concatenate((coordinates_np1, coordinates_np2), axis=0)
+    num_vertices = len(coordinates_np)
+    num_cells = num_vertices - 1
+    cells_np = np.column_stack((np.arange(num_cells), np.arange(1, num_cells+1)))
+    gdim = 1
+    shape = 'interval' # 'interval', 'triangle', 'quadrilateral', 'tetrahedron', 'hexahedron'
+    degree = 1
+    domain = Mesh(element("Lagrange", shape, 1, shape=(1,)))
+    coordinates_np_ = []
+    [coordinates_np_.append([coord]) for coord in coordinates_np]
+    msh = mesh.create_mesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, cells_np, coordinates_np_, domain)
+    return msh
+def solve_System_2eq(phi_left:float, phi_right:float, p_right:float, z_A:float, z_C:float, y_A_R:float, y_C_R:float, K:float|str, Lambda2:float, a2:float, number_cells:int, solvation:float = 0, PoissonBoltzmann:bool=False, relax_param:float=None, x0:float=0, x1:float=1, refinement_style:str='uniform', return_type:str='Scalar', rtol:float=1e-8, max_iter:float=500):
+    '''
+    Solve the simplified dimensionless system of equations presented in: Numerical Treatment of a Thermodynamically Consistent Electrolyte Model, B.Sc. Thesis Habscheid 2024
+    System of equations:
+        λ²Δ φ =−L²n^F
+        a²∇p=−n^F∇ φ
+        with:
+            n^F = z_A y_A(φ, p) + z_C y_C(φ ,p)
+            if compressible:
+                y_alpha = C_alpha * (K+p−1)⁽−κ+1)a²K exp(−z_α φ)
+            if incompressible:
+                y_alpha = D_alpha * exp(−(κ+1)a²p−z_α φ)
+    with φ the electric potential, p the pressure, n^F the total free charge density, J_α the diffusion fluxes of species α, λ² a dimensionless parameter, L²=1, a² a dimensionless parameter, N the number of species, and α the species index.
+    ! If the Newton solver diverges, you may try to reduce the relaxation parameter.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    phi_left : float
+        Value of φ at the left boundary
+    phi_right : float
+        Value of φ at the right boundary
+    p_right : float
+        Value of p at the right boundary
+    z_A : float
+        Charge number of species A
+    z_C : float
+        Charge number of species C
+    y_A_R : float
+        Atomic fractions of species A at right boundary
+    y_C_R : float
+        Atomic fractions of species C at right boundary
+    K : float | str
+        Dimensioness bulk modulus of the electrolyte. If 'incompressible', the system is solved for an incompressible electrolyte
+    Lambda2 : float
+        Dimensionless parameter
+    a2 : float
+        Dimensionless parameter
+    number_cells : int
+        Number of cells in the mesh
+    solvation : float, optional
+        solvation number, by default 0
+    PoissonBoltzmann : bool, optional
+        Solve classical Nernst-Planck model with the use of the Poisson-Boltzmann formulation if True, else solve the presented model by Dreyer, Guhlke, Müller, by default False
+    relax_param : float, optional
+        Relaxation parameter for the Newton solver
+        xₙ₊₁ = γ xₙ f(xₙ)/f'(xₙ) with γ the relaxation parameter
+        , by default None -> Determined automatically
+    x0 : float, optional
+        Left boundary of the domain, by default 0
+    x1 : float, optional
+        Right boundary of the domain, by default 1
+    refinement_style : str, optional
+        Specify for refinement towards zero
+        Options are 'uniform', 'log', 'hard_log', 'hard_hard_log' by default 'uniform'
+    return_type : str, optional
+        'Vector' or 'Scalar', 'Scalar' returns dolfinx.fem type and 'Vector' numpy arrays of the solution, by default 'Scalar'
+    rtol : float, optional
+        Relative tolerance for Newton solver, by default 1e-8
+    max_iter : float, optional
+        Maximum number of Newton iterations, by default 500
+    Returns
+    -------
+    y_A, y_C, phi, p, msh
+        Returns atomic fractions for species A and C, electric potential, pressure, and the mesh
+        If return_type is 'Vector', the solution is returned as numpy arrays
+    '''
+    # Define boundaries of the domain
+    x0 = 0
+    x1 = 1
+    # Define boundaries for the boundary conditions
+    def Left(x):
+        return np.isclose(x[0], x0)
+    def Right(x):
+        return np.isclose(x[0], x1)
+    # Create mesh
+    if refinement_style == 'uniform':
+        msh = mesh.create_unit_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, number_cells, dtype=np.float64)
+    else:
+        msh = create_refined_mesh(refinement_style, number_cells)
+    # Define Finite Elements
+    CG1_elem = element('Lagrange', msh.basix_cell(), 1)
+    # Define Mixed Function Space
+    W_elem = mixed_element([CG1_elem, CG1_elem, CG1_elem, CG1_elem])
+    W = fem.functionspace(msh, W_elem)
+    # Define Trial- and Testfunctions
+    u = fem.Function(W)
+    y_A, y_C, phi, p = split(u)
+    (v_A, v_C, v_1, v_2) = TestFunctions(W)
+    # Collapse function space for bcs
+    W0, _ = W.sub(0).collapse()
+    W1, _ = W.sub(1).collapse()
+    W2, _ = W.sub(2).collapse()
+    W3, _ = W.sub(3).collapse()
+    # Define boundary conditions values
+    def phi_left_(x):
+        return np.full_like(x[0], phi_left)
+    def phi_right_(x):
+        return np.full_like(x[0], phi_right)
+    def p_right_(x):
+        return np.full_like(x[0], p_right)
+    def y_A_right_(x):
+        return np.full_like(x[0], y_A_R)
+    def y_C_right_(x):
+        return np.full_like(x[0], y_C_R)
+    # Interpolate bcs functions
+    phi_left_bcs = fem.Function(W2)
+    phi_left_bcs.interpolate(phi_left_)
+    phi_right_bcs = fem.Function(W2)
+    phi_right_bcs.interpolate(phi_right_)
+    p_right_bcs = fem.Function(W3)
+    p_right_bcs.interpolate(p_right_)
+    y_A_right_bcs = fem.Function(W0)
+    y_A_right_bcs.interpolate(y_A_right_)
+    y_C_right_bcs = fem.Function(W1)
+    y_C_right_bcs.interpolate(y_C_right_)
+    # Identify dofs for boundary conditions
+    # Define boundary conditions
+    facet_left_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(2), W.sub(2).collapse()[0]), Left)
+    facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(2), W.sub(2).collapse()[0]), Right)
+    bc_left_phi = fem.dirichletbc(phi_left_bcs, facet_left_dofs, W.sub(2))
+    bc_right_phi = fem.dirichletbc(phi_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(2))
+    facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(3), W.sub(3).collapse()[0]), Right)
+    bc_right_p = fem.dirichletbc(p_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(3))
+    facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(0), W.sub(0).collapse()[0]), Right)
+    bc_right_y_A = fem.dirichletbc(y_A_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(0))
+    facet_right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((W.sub(1), W.sub(1).collapse()[0]), Right)
+    bc_right_y_C = fem.dirichletbc(y_C_right_bcs, facet_right_dofs, W.sub(1))
+    # Combine boundary conditions into list
+    bcs = [bc_left_phi, bc_right_phi, bc_right_p, bc_right_y_A, bc_right_y_C]
+    # Define variational problem
+    if K == 'incompressible':
+        # total free charge density
+        def nF(y_A, y_C):
+            return (z_C * y_C + z_A * y_A)
+        # Diffusion fluxes for species A and C
+        def J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
+            return ln(y_A) + a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1) + z_A * phi
+        def J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
+            return ln(y_C) + a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1) + z_C * phi
+        # Variational Form
+        A = (
+            inner(grad(phi), grad(v_1)) * dx
+            - 1 / Lambda2 * nF(y_A, y_C) * v_1 * dx
+        ) + (
+            inner(grad(p), grad(v_2)) * dx
+            + 1 / a2 * nF(y_A, y_C) * dot(grad(phi), grad(v_2)) * dx
+        ) + (
+            inner(grad(J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_A)) * dx
+            + inner(grad(J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_C)) * dx
+        )
+        if PoissonBoltzmann:
+            A += (
+                inner(grad(- a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1)), grad(v_A)) * dx
+                + inner(grad(- a2 * (p - 1) * (solvation + 1)), grad(v_C)) * dx
+            )
+    else: 
+        # total number density
+        def n(p):
+            return (p-1)/K + 1
+        # total free charge density
+        def nF(y_A, y_C, p):
+            return (z_C * y_C + z_A * y_A) * n(p)
+        # Diffusion fluxes for species A and C
+        def J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
+            return ln(y_A) + a2 * (solvation + 1) * K * ln(1 + 1/K * (p-1)) + z_A * phi
+        def J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p):
+            return ln(y_C) + a2 * (solvation + 1)* K * ln(1 + 1/K * (p-1)) + z_C * phi
+        A = (
+            inner(grad(phi), grad(v_1)) * dx
+            - 1 / Lambda2 * nF(y_A, y_C, p) * v_1 * dx
+        ) + (
+            inner(grad(p), grad(v_2)) * dx
+            + 1 / a2 * nF(y_A, y_C, p) * dot(grad(phi), grad(v_2)) * dx
+        ) + (
+            inner(grad(J_A(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_A)) * dx
+            + inner(grad(J_C(y_A, y_C, phi, p)), grad(v_C)) * dx
+        )
+    F = A
+    # Initialize initial guess for u
+    y_C_init = fem.Function(W1)
+    y_A_init = fem.Function(W0)
+    y_C_init.interpolate(lambda x: np.full_like(x[0], y_C_R))
+    y_A_init.interpolate(lambda x: np.full_like(x[0], y_A_R))
+    with u.vector.localForm() as u_loc:
+        u_loc.set(0)
+    u.sub(0).interpolate(y_A_init)
+    u.sub(1).interpolate(y_C_init)
+    # Define Nonlinear Problem
+    problem = NonlinearProblem(F, u, bcs=bcs)
+    # Define Newton Solver and solver settings
+    solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
+    solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
+    solver.rtol = rtol
+    if relax_param != None:
+        solver.relaxation_parameter = relax_param
+    else:
+        if phi_right == phi_left:
+            solver.relaxation_parameter = 1.0
+        else:
+            solver.relaxation_parameter = 1/(np.abs(phi_right-phi_left)**(5/4))
+    solver.max_it = max_iter
+ = True
+    # Solve the problem
+    log.set_log_level(log.LogLevel.INFO)
+    n, converged = solver.solve(u)
+    assert (converged)
+    print(f"Number of interations: {n:d}")
+    # Split the mixed function space into the individual components    
+    y_A, y_C, phi, p = u.split()
+    # Return the solution
+    if return_type=='Vector':
+        x_vals = np.array(msh.geometry.x[:,0])
+        y_A_vals = np.array(u.sub(0).collapse().x.array)
+        y_C_vals = np.array(u.sub(1).collapse().x.array)
+        phi_vals = np.array(u.sub(2).collapse().x.array)
+        p_vals = np.array(u.sub(3).collapse().x.array)
+        return y_A_vals, y_C_vals, phi_vals, p_vals, x_vals
+    elif return_type=='Scalar':
+        return y_A, y_C, phi, p, msh
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Define the parameters
+    phi_left = 5.0
+    phi_right = 0.0
+    p_right = 0.0
+    y_A_R = 1/3
+    y_C_R = 1/3
+    z_A = -1.0
+    z_C = 1.0
+    K = 'incompressible'
+    Lambda2 = 8.553e-6
+    a2 = 7.5412e-4
+    number_cells = 1024
+    relax_param = .1
+    rtol = 1e-4
+    max_iter = 500
+    # Solve the system
+    y_A, y_C, phi, p, x = solve_System_2eq(phi_left, phi_right, p_right, z_A, z_C, y_A_R, y_C_R, K, Lambda2, a2, number_cells, relax_param=relax_param, x0=0, x1=1, refinement_style='uniform', return_type='Vector', max_iter=max_iter, rtol=rtol)
+    # Plot the solution
+    plt.plot(x, phi)
+    plt.xlim(0,0.05)
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.xlabel('x [-]')
+    plt.ylabel('$\\varphi$  [-]')
+    plt.plot(x, y_A, '--', color='tab:blue', label='$y_A$')
+    plt.plot(x, y_C, '-', color='tab:blue', label='$y_C$')
+    plt.plot(x, 1 - y_A - y_C, ':', color='tab:blue', label='$y_S$')
+    plt.xlim(0,0.05)
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.xlabel('x [-]')
+    plt.ylabel('$y_\\alpha$ [-]')
+    plt.plot(x, p)
+    plt.xlim(0,0.05)
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.xlabel('x [-]')
+    plt.ylabel('$p$ [-]')