from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from time import time from analysis.util import atq from io import BytesIO import h5py from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.saving import ( save_weights_to_hdf5_group, load_weights_from_hdf5_group, ) from evil import pin, ccall from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation deprecation._PRINT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS = False def last_map(func, obj, order=1): return tf.concat( [ obj[..., :-1], tf.expand_dims( last_map(func=func, obj=obj[..., -1], order=order - 1) if 1 < order else func(obj[..., -1]), axis=-1, ), ], axis=-1, ) def tf_meanstd(val, **kwargs): mean = tf.reduce_mean(val, **kwargs) std = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(val), **kwargs) - tf.square(mean) return mean, std # this is mostly unused ... class FD(dict): def add(self, data, dtype=None, shape=None, **kwargs): if shape is True: shape = data.shape elif shape is None: shape = (None,) + data.shape[1:] if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype ph = tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=shape, **kwargs) self[ph] = data return ph class Chain(object): def __init__( self, __name__, loss, sumnbs=(), step=None, opt=None, train=None, ema=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), **kwargs ): if step is None: step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="%s_step" % __name__) if opt is None: opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer() if train is None: train = opt.minimize(loss, global_step=step) reset_opt = tf.variables_initializer(opt.variables()) summaries = [] _ema_val = {} _ema_out = SKDict() kwargs["loss"] = loss with tf.name_scope(__name__): for key, val in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(val, tf.Tensor): continue nd = val.shape.ndims if nd > 1 and sumnbs is not True and val not in sumnbs: continue if val.dtype == tf.bool: val = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(val, tf.float32)) if nd: # summaries.append(tf.summary.histogram(key, val)) mean, std = tf_meanstd(val) summaries.append(tf.summary.scalar(key + "_mean", mean)) summaries.append(tf.summary.scalar(key + "_std", std)) _ema_val[key + "_mean"] = mean _ema_val[key + "_std"] = std else: summaries.append(tf.summary.scalar(key, val)) _ema_val[key] = val if ema: _ema_ops = [] reset_ema_to = tf.constant(0, tf.int32) ema_step = tf.Variable(reset_ema_to, trainable=False, name="%s_ema_step" % __name__) reset_ema = ema_step.initializer for i in ema: with tf.name_scope("%s_%d" % (__name__, i)): ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( decay=1.0 - tf.maximum( 0.1 ** i, tf.exp((np.log(0.1 ** i) / 10.0) * tf.cast(ema_step, tf.float32)), ) ) _ema_ops.append(ema.apply(_ema_val.values())) for key, val in _ema_val.items(): val = ema.average(val) _ema_out[key, i] = val summaries.append(tf.summary.scalar("%s" % key, val)) with tf.control_dependencies([train]): with tf.control_dependencies(_ema_ops): train = ema_step.assign_add(1) ema = _ema_out summaries = tf.summary.merge(summaries) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) pin(locals(), True, kwargs) = ccall(Chain, True) class Runner(object): def __init__(self, sess, writer): self.step = 0 pin(locals()) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def train(self, chain, extra=None, step=1, sumiv=10, sumskip=0, **kwargs): if extra is None: extra = chain.loss for i in count(): for j in xrange(step): self(chain.train, **kwargs) sum = sumiv and not (i < sumskip or i % sumiv) get = (chain.train, extra) if sum: get += (chain.summaries, chain.step) out = self(get, **kwargs) if sum: self.writer.add_summary(*out[2:]) yield out[1] def conf(self, *args, **kwargs): return Confirmer(self.train(*args, **kwargs).next) @classmethod @contextmanager def make(cls, path, gpuOpts={}, flush_secs=20): with cls.make_session(gpuOpts=gpuOpts) as sess: with tf.summary.FileWriter( path, session=sess, flush_secs=flush_secs, graph=sess.graph ) as writer: yield cls(sess, writer) @classmethod def make_session(cls, gpuOpts={}): return tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(**gpuOpts))) class Confirmer(object): last = np.inf task = None tdelay = 60 tbestbump = 10 def __init__(self, func): self.reset.func = func def __call__(self, target, its=np.inf, pre=0, **kwargs): if not kwargs.setdefault("disable", not kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("auto", self._prog) assert 0 < target tnext = 0 with atq(xrange(its), **kwargs) as tq: for i in tq: if self.task is not None: if self.task.check_stop(): break if tnext < time(): tnext = time() + self.tdelay pTotal = 100.0 * i / its self.task.set_progress_percentage(pTotal) self.task.set_status_message( "total=%.1f%% conf=%.1f%% best=%.2e" % (pTotal, 100.0 * self.conf / target, ) if not (self.conf < target): break self.step += 1 self.last = self.func() if self.step < pre: continue elif < self.last: self.conf += 1 else: self.on_best() self.conf = 0 = self.last tnext -= self.tbestbump return not (self.conf < target) def on_best(self): pass @property def reset(self): self.last = = np.inf self.step = self.conf = 0 return self @property def rdlb(self): # Relative Delta Last to Best return np.float_(self.last - / def _prog(self, i, prefix=""): return { prefix + k: v for k, v in dict( step=self.step if self.step != i else None, last=self.last if self.rdlb else None, rdlb=self.rdlb or None, conf=self.conf or None,, ).items() if v is not None } def __repr__(self): return "Confirmer(step=%d, best=%.3e, conf=%d)" % (self.step,, self.conf) class Bestie(object): def __init__(self, model, path): pin(locals()) def save(self): self.model.save_weights(self.path) def load(self): self.model.load_weights(self.path) def finish(self): self.load() class BestieMemory(Bestie): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BestieMemory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def save(self): self.h5 = h5py.File(BytesIO()) save_weights_to_hdf5_group(self.h5, self.model.layers) def load(self): load_weights_from_hdf5_group(self.h5, self.model.layers)